Wednesday 28 March 2012

5th Meeting of RAGWAG

Dear Group

Thank you all for your contributions and for a constructive meeting.

Present: AB, BK, AMF, RC, AH, GM.

Apologies: AW

Herewith actions agreed:

- AGM 12 May would not be the place for substantive debate on R&G; this should be set for a subsequent GM in, say, October, allowing the new Board to endorse any proposed changes of substance. Action: GM to programme

- The AGM should, however, be used to set the tone for the Society's activities over the next year. The Annual Report should be frank about the challenges faced - SCC service review, finances, SCC relationship - but very positive about what the Society offers members, the achievements of the year, and the targets set for the forthcoming year. Action: BK to include in draft section of 2011 Report.

- Disappointing outcome at Frome suggested need to rejig the structure of future GMs to encourage better attendance and lively debate. Action: AMF to bring ideas to next meeting.

- Establishment of "D&P" and "M&M" Committees seen as important and immediate step for Board approval. The first task of the D&P should be to answer the question 'Where do we want the Society to go?' Action: GM to put proposals to Board, based on AB and AH drafts respectively.

- AMF's paper noted for future discussion. Revised arrangements for Trustees covering, inter alia, period of office and position of Subject Committee chairs seen as complex and important and in need of detailed examination before paper submitted to Board. Action: AMF to bring paper to next meeting.

- GM paper on concept of Advisory Panel to replace the Advisory Council still in draft. Seen as another area in need of detailed examination, particularly in relation to the routine administrative functions of the Advisory Council and the debate about the location of the scrutiny function. Action: GM to bring paper to next meeting.

- Important to keep ideas flowing on the Website. Action: BK to continue posting R&G material.

- Noted that the SCC Heritage Service Delivery review is likely to present the Board with some major challenges.

- Noted that the Audit function could take place at a number of levels: the F&GP could monitor financial performance; the D&P the effectiveness of its advice to the Board; the M&M the effect on member recruitment; and the proposed Advisory Panel the comparative performance and reputation of the Society as a whole in the wider world.

- Noted that RC/BK's paper on Executive Power, Scrutiny and Strategy would inform both AMF's paper on Trustees and GM's paper on the Advisory Panel.

- Noted that AW's 'swot' appeared to have been absorbed in to AH's M&M work but that his concerns about the F&GP cannot be discussed in his absence.

- Noted that, once R&G initiatives complete, a 're-launch' of the Society would be appropriate. Currently there is widespread ignorance, both internally and externally, of what the Society does and of what it owns. AH (through the M&M group) is looking at where in the 'leisure' market we sit and what should be targeted.

Next Meeting: 12.15 Monday 2 April at the Hankridge Arms.


4th Meeting of RAGWAG

Subject: RAGWAG Hankridge 13 February - actions and next meeting

Dear Group

Apologies for delay. Thank you all for your contributions.

Present: AB, BK, AMF, RC, AH, GM.

Apologies: AW

Herewith actions agreed:

- Unlikely that Ragwag would have time to make recommendations to "improve the day-to-day management of the Society's business".

- Need to concentrate on what will be put to AGM 15 May, noting that Board meeting 22 March will be last opportunity before then to pass proposals through Board. Board meeting on 19 April too late to endorse papers for the AGM.

- Turn out at Frome disappointing and old ground covered. But general support for ragwag work-in-progress. Point made strongly that scrutiny should be independent of the proposed D&P Committee.

- Papers for 22 March Board to include:
(i) establishment of "D&P" Committee (Board can approve) - AB to draft paper and terms of reference;
(ii) draft Annual Report 2011 (Board can approve) - BK to draft section on strategy, priorities and targets for 2012; refer back to para 9 of 2010 Report;
(iii)revised arrangements for Trustees (AGM to approve change to 2006 Constitution) - AMF to draft paper covering, inter alia, period of office and position of Subject Committee chairs.
(iv)an Advisory Panel to replace the Advisory Council (AGM to approve change to 2006 Constitution) - GM to draft paper (but note that the location of the scrutiny function has not yet been determined).

- AH to help pull together the Membership and Marketing Group, building on his paper at Frome and the Nettlecombe workshop.

- RC and BK to complete and circulate their paper on Executive Power, Scrutiny and Strategy.

- AW's 'swot' and his concerns about the F&GP were not covered.

Next Meeting As AMF is on holiday until 8 March and the Board papers need to go out 14 March, I suggest 12.15 Friday 9 March at the Hankridge Arms to allow time for drafting/re-drafting. Please circulate your papers for 9 March as far in advance as possible.

Please confirm that the meeting fixture works for you.