Wednesday 18 January 2012

2nd Meeting of SANHS Reform and Governance Working Group

We will press on with our agenda in the SHC at 1:30 pm tomorrow.

I guess that our draft agenda for tomorrow might be:-
1. Actions from 22 Dec Meeting
2. ToRs
3. Mission/Cause/Purposeful Activity of SANHS
4. Strategic Objectives and Priorities
5. What are our actions necessary to champion Cause, Objectives
and Priorities?
6. Spring Newsletter and website
7. Next Board meeting 26 Jan and General meeting 11 Feb.
8. AGM 12 May
9. Our next meetings wks beginning 30 Jan; 13 Feb; 12 Mar; 2

1 comment:

  1. Thank you all for attending and for a very helpful and productive meeting.
    For those, including myself, that might not be aware of the draft outcome of the Bath GM (draft notes are on the website, I have copied GM's summary.

    'Summing up, GM said that the key issue is balancing the executive and policy-making roles within the Society; he proposed that a small working group take a paper to the February general meeting on executive power, scrutiny and strategy. All the points raised today are consistent with these issues; we need to generate a framework within which the committees can operate to deliver the Society’s charitable objects. He had already been discussing these matters with others, and he suggested he be tasked to form a group and report and make recommendations to the February general meeting, and then to the AGM in May.

    The setting up of the Working Group under the chairmanship of the Honorary Secretary was proposed by PL and seconded by NP; the meeting agreed.'

    Actions from 9 January.
    - Next meeting 12:15 pm Monday 30 January at the Hankridge Arms, and a further possible meeting on 13 February.
    - Agreed revised TORs
    - Note Board meetings 26 Jan, 22 March, 19 April, GM 11 Feb, and AGM 12 May
    - GM to revise draft TOR to reflect scope of discussion, objectives and need for a SANHS rescue plan
    - AH to provide concise statement of SANHS 'cause'
    - AB to provide paper on formation of 'Strategy and Policy Committee' for BoT to note before discussion at Frome GM
    - AW to document in a spreadsheet form SANHS strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats
    - RC & BK to produce a reform narrative suitable for use on the SANHS Members' blog and monthly email bulletin
